Bayesian Net Model for Integrated Software Quality Prediction

This page is devoted for Bayesian Net Model for Integrated Software Quality Prediction (BaNISoQ). This model is the result of my funded project.

You may access the current version of the model here. You may use it for research purposes without a fee.
The model is saved in “cmp” format – i.e. a format used by AgenaRisk BN tool. Trial version of AgenaRisk is available here.

You may also see the model structure in “xml” format here.

Model  description, and example scenarios of using the model have been discussed in the following papers:
[bibtex file=mypub.bib key=Radlinski_eknow2013,Radlinski_jtacs2012,Radlinski_eknow2012,Radlinski_iccsa2011,Radlinski_aumcsi2011 format=luk]
Please note that thre are additional papers either in review or in publication. I will update this list of papers once the publishing process is completed.

All questions and comments are welcome.