Integrated analysis and prediction of software quality effort
The goal of the project is to develop analytical models for estimating effort, risk and cost/benefit for activities directed toward quality assurance and quality management in large software projects. These models should take into account various factors describing the nature of software projects and the process of its development. They should integrate qualitative expert knowledge and results of empirical analyses, but they must be generic in the sense that one can tailor and calibrate them to specific needs of a particular software house or a particular software project.
Once operational, such models may be used as the main engine for decision support systems for quality management, and thus provide critical information to guide managers and developers in software projects.
- project number: FSS/2011/V/D3/W/0065
- type – study visit
- period – 3-7/10/2011
- role – investigator
- hosting institution – Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
- funding – Foundation for the Development of the Education System
Projekt został zrealizowany przy wsparciu udzielonym przez Islandię, Liechtenstein i Norwegię, poprzez dofinansowanie ze środków Mechanizmu Finansowego Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego oraz Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego w ramach Funduszu Stypendialnego i Szkoleniowego.